Home » Useful Home Remedies for Lips Care

Useful Home Remedies for Lips Care

Remedies for lips care are an important part of your appearance, as a smile is the best feature that one can wear, and techniques to make it more glowing and pink will rate your profile a ten on ten.

Natural rosy lips are demanded by all of us therefore we have rounded up a few tricks which can lighten darker lips through organic homemade packs or products that you will find in the kitchen.

These techniques are beneficial, long-lasting, and effective on darkened lips by UV radiations, excessive caffeine intake, smoking, or use of local cosmetics.

These methods don’t require expensive chemical products for a beauty statement but rather they are easy to buy and easy-to-use things that will bring worthy change to your lips.

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Home Remedies for Lips Care.

Lemon – Skin Lightening agent

Lemon is a great use when it comes to adopting for lips care. Due to its tendency of exfoliation and acidic contents, it gradually peels off the dead cells from your lips and leaves a new skin in place that is lighter and softer.


  1. The simplest remedy is to squeeze the lemon juice on your lips every night and proceed with this regime by adding some sugar to the slice of lemon. Doing this will exfoliate your lips for an effective technique in lips care remedies.
  2. Mixing honey with lemon juice and massaging it will moisturize and soften your lips from the inside too.

lips care with lemon

Honey Moisturizer for Lips

Honey is an ingredient that provides natural moisturizing therapy to all parts of your skin, and your lips being the most sensitive, treat it with the beneficial tendencies of honey for a pink glow.


  1. A well-made mixture of honey, yogurt, and gram flour, half a teaspoon each will make up for an effective paste. After applying it daily for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. Honey itself is an excellent remedy among remedies for lips care as it can be used by itself to be left overnight on the lips for a lighter tone.

Honey moisturizer for lips care

Lips Care with Almond Oil

Lips care remedies include the use of almond oil as it constitutes of vitamins and minerals which have skin lightening and softening properties that also protect lips from ultraviolet radiations which are highly necessary when it comes to adopting lips care remedies.


  1. Milk being utilized as an extra moisturizer can be combined with almond powder and fresh cream for rosy lips.
  2. Honey and almond oil in the ratio of 1 tbsp to 5-6 drops will work wonders if left overnight.

Lips care with Almond Oil

Sugar scrubs Home Remedy

Homemade remedies are mostly made up of packs of a mixture of sugar scrubs which exfoliate and rub off the dead cells from your dark lips and therefore get rid of them. This only requires softly rubbing sugar and butter on your dark lips for a brighter lip tone effect.

Sugar scrubs remedy for lips care

All these remedies for lips care that are made at the convenience of your own home will surely prove to have visible results but only if patience is maintained and thus beautify you with lips that bloom like rose petals. Working with more than one remedy daily will have no side effect because of its organic source.


This article is written by Ali Haider. He is a young freelancer who loves to write about fashion, beauty and lifestyle niches. Ali is passionate and dedicates most of his time to his work. He is enthusiastic to serve creative writing intuition for diverse clientele in the content writing world. He is a regular contributor of stylezco.com. You can find him on google+ and follow him on facebook.

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